Monday, August 4, 2008

The Tube is Back

A quick update: Susette tried drinking Ensure but it still hurt. We even tried water and it hurt. After nine days without food Susette is now going to get the stomach feeding tube. It was not an easy decision but, after more discussions with the doctor, she felt the feeding tube would be the overall best route and allow her more flexibility. She's not excited about it but feels it is still the best choice for now. Please keep praying that her throat will heal well and rapidly and that she gets the proper nutrition to strengthen her body and help her quickly recover.


fatamorgana said...

Susette and Bill,
If Susette is getting a gastric tube it will allow her esophogeal injury to heal while Susette is able to receive nutrition. Why does she need a picc if she gets the g-tube? My love and prayers surroud you and your Physicians!

Bill Manassero said...

Sorry. my post was written quickly. You are right, she does not need and is not getting a picc line. Thank you for your prayers!