Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting Ready for Radiation

Susette and i are both ecstatic that the chemo therapy is finally behind us. Praise the Lord! We have not stopped praising Jesus for the miracle He performed in her healing. One of Susette's biggest joys was having the pick line removed from her arm -- literally minutes minutes after her last chemo (and not soon enough). It was kinda like having a ball and chain removed. The next day, we had an informal Independence Day celebration with family and friends and Susette truly celebrated both her freedom as an American and as a chemo survivor.

She has been such an incredible inspiration for me throughout this whole process. She is a truly amazing woman! Her optimism is inspiring. She even shampooed her barely visible hair for the first time in nearly 6 months -- getting ready for their triumphal return... The only drawback to her wonderful enthusiasm is that by Sunday, three days after her last treatment, she was beat and not feeling good at all (tried, run down and nauseous) so she had to slow way down. By Tuesday, after resting and taking it easy, she was doing much better.

Well, on Monday we met with our "new" UCLA doctor, Dr. Selch - the oncology radiologist. He reviewed her case and determined that she should definitely conclude her chemo treatment with radiation -- even though there are no visible signs of cancer. What he will do is look at the earliest PET/CT scans and radiate the areas where the cancer was located (prior to God's miraculous removal of the disease).

On Tuesday, we went in to have a scan and marking of the area to be radiated. Yes, it's true, Susette has tattooed! (Eat your heart out Jasmine! lol) Well, it wasn't exactly a flower or beautiful landscape of Yosemite and Half Dome but it was a series of microscopic tattoos -- little marks on her chest and neck, barely the size of tiny moles, that will help the doctors pinpoint the radiation.

The next step is a dry run on Wednesday, July 16, followed by the first radiation treatment, 11:30am, Thursday, July 17. Then, we will come in to UCLA, Monday through Friday, for 13 days, for 10 minute treatments each day. That will be it!

After that, she will be free, except for periodic PET/CT scans and doctor follow-up visits. There is even a possibility that she may be able to return to Haiti with the rest of us on August 10th -- but only if she is ready. Keep praying that God's incredible miracle will continue!

Dear friends, thank you for your continuous prayers. Radiation today is a lot less devastating than it was in years past but it is still a risk. Instead of broad-brushing radiation throughout her body (as they would do in the past) it is very directed, with precision, avoiding vital organs and residual damage. However, radiation can also (theoretically) ignite cancer cells to return and she will have her already ailing thyroid radiated in this process, which is a further risk. So, please keep her in your prayers.

We'll try to give you updates once the radiation begins. God bless.


samws said...

Praise GOD, We're praying for you. We'll see you in Haiti in October.
LOVE YA, Elaine & Sam

Gloria said...

We are sooo happy for you!!!Susette you look so beautiful inside and out! We'll continue to keep you in our thoughts and hearts!!We love you,
Ruich & Gloria