Yesterday, Susette cut her hair. It is the shortest haircut she has ever had. About an inch in length. She did it because it is already starting to fall out and she didn’t want to face waking up to big clumps on her pillow.
Susette is about as easy going as anyone; however, it was not easy to do. Susette’s hair is beautiful. She is known for her beautiful long full golden curls. If fact, I remember when we started at a new church many years ago. We would always sit up front and as we got to know more and more people i became known as the guy with “the girl with the hair” who sat up front. I was famous.
When we moved to Haiti, the heat and humidity made having long hair a challenge but she never cut it, even though I know she want to. I think she kept it because she knew I loved it.
Funny thing is, now that it’s short, I think she’s more beautiful than ever. She looks great with short hair. And when it all goes, she’s going to be even more beautiful. She is drop dead gorgeous! Sorry guys, but I have the most beautiful gal on this planet!
This morning, we had chemo treatment number two.
We were blessed to have our son Jordan join us who took the day off of work to share the time with his mom. Sweet kid, huh?
Even though it is only the second treatment, we were ready for it. It went much quicker than the first treatment because they didn’t have all the education and training. It went fairly smoothly although they did have some difficulty finding a vein. They are trying to encourage us to have a “lance line” installed (I think that’s what it’s called). The lance line is a permanent line that runs in a main vein to your heart. It is surgically implanted and has a soft end where they insert the needle. Whenever they want to draw blood or inject for treatment, they just plug in to the soft area just beneath your skin. I know it sounds gross but when can’t reach veins any more, it is a good alternative.
After her treatment, we went into a shop in UCLA hospital called Reflections. They specialize in items for cancer patients and have a great selection of cute caps and scarf. We almost bought the place out. Susette looks so pretty in her new hats, caps and scarves. If she’ll allow me, I may include a photo on this blog.
She’s feeling pretty good today (THANK YOU, JESUS!) and we’re praying that this will continue. She’s resting all weekend, drinking lots of juices, supplementary shakes and trying to keep the human contact to a minimum (she is very susceptible to infection and disease because her white cell count is very low.)
Please continue to keep her in your prayers for healing, strength and encouragement. Also, she is really missing our Haiti kids and the realization that she may be in the States for a while is just starting to hit her. Please pray that the Lord will comfort her and our kids at Maison de Lumiere.
God bless.
Much prayers and love!!!!!!!
Blessings Bill & Susette' Great to hear you're doing great. {GOD IS GOOD} We pray for you everyday. We'll be leaving Sat. the 23rd for Haiti to be with Ted & Lisa. We'll be there till Mar. the 11th. So let Ted know what you need me to do.
Sam & Elaine
(770) 842- 0108
Hey Woman,
WE love ya and are praying for you.The kids are all doing great here at M.D.L they are praying for ya and miss ya, It is awesome to watch them pray for you, they pray with all their hearts, I know God hears those prayers. Love Ya TED and LISA
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